In this article, we will cover the Edit Customer Account via the Admin Portal feature. We wanted to create this feature to give Restaurant Brands more control over their customer data - especially in regards to updating their information on the customers behalf. With the "Edit Customer" permission enabled, we now allow Portal Admins to make changes to a customer's account if need be.
This article contains the following sections:
- Feature Overview
- How to Edit a Customer's Account
- How to Enable the Edit Customer Permission
- How to Un-Bounce a Customer's Email
Feature Overview
The Edit Customer Account feature now allows Portal Admins to make updates to a customer's account on their behalf. With this feature, Portal Admins can now update the following fields on the Customer Details page:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number
- Email Address
Along with the ability to update a customer's account, we added a button to verify a customer's email on their behalf. Choosing to verify a customer's account on their behalf will allow them to log in without the customer having to verify their account via an Email Link, Email Code, SMS Code, or SMS Link.
Note: We recommend that when verifying a customer's account, that they reach out to you with the email or phone number that they attempted to sign up with to prevent any fraudulent activity.
Also, we added the ability to un-bounce the customer's email address if the their email was bouncing due to an incorrect delivery address. This will un-bounce the email address in our database so that we can re-attempt to send emails to that address.
Note: We suggest confirming the customer's email address is correct or update the email address to the correct one - then attempt to un-bounce their email address to resolve the email bouncing issue the customer might be facing.
Lastly, we added a legend on the Customer Account Details page that explains what each icon resembles when looking at an account. Currently, there are two icons: Red Exclamation, and a Blue Checkmark.
- Red Exclamation - Bounced Email Address
- Blue Checkmark - Verified Account
How to Edit a Customers Account
The steps below outline how you can use the Edit Customer Account feature.
- In the Incentivio Admin Portal, on the left-side navigation menu, select Customers under the CRM section
- On the Customers page, search for the customer that you want to edit by First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, or Email
- Click on the "eye" icon to edit the customer that you want to update
- On the Customer's Account Details page, click the button in the top right corner named: "Edit Customer"
- Once you click on the Edit Customer button, the following fields will became editable:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Once you are done making the desired updates, click the "Save Customer" button where the Edit Customer button was. Once you click on the Save Customer button, the changes will be saved and the customer account will be updated.
- Note: The editable fields must have a value in order for the "Save Customer" button to be available
How to Enable the Edit Customer Permission
The steps below outline how you allow Portal Admins to use the Edit Customer Account feature.
- In the Incentivio Admin Portal, on the left-side navigation menu, select Roles under the Administration section
- Find the Role that you want to give the ability to Edit Customer Accounts to and edit that Role
- Once you click on the "Edit Role" button, you should see a list of permissions. On this page, find the Customers section
- Under the Customers section, there will be 3 permissions. Make sure the permissions View Customer and Edit Customer are enabled for the Role.
- Once the two permission above are enabled, click the save button at the bottom of the screen to save the permissions to the Role. Now any account with the update Role's permission will be able to edit customer accounts
How to Un-Bounce a Customer's Email
The steps below outline how you allow Portal Admins to use the Edit Customer Account feature.
- In the Incentivio Admin Portal, on the left-side navigation menu, select Customers under the CRM section
- On the Customers page, search for the customer that you want to edit by First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, or Email
- Click on the "eye" icon to edit the customer that you want to update
- If the customer's email address has been bouncing emails, the email address will be displayed in red, with an exclamation icon to the right, and a link named "un-bounce email" under it.
- From here, you can choose to try un-bouncing the email without editing/updating the email address, or you can click the Edit Customer button in the top right of the screen to update the email address and then click the "un-bounce email" button
- Note: We suggest doing the latter to confirm that the email address is correct according to the customer
- Note: We suggest doing the latter to confirm that the email address is correct according to the customer
- After you click the "un-bounce email" link, the email will be un-bounced in our database allowing emails to be sent to the email address again.
- Note: If an email is sent to the address and it bounces again, the email address will then be re-highlighted red on the Customer Account Details page and you can try un-bouncing the email address again or update the email address