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Photography best practices

If you are taking photography for your menu with the mobile app in mind, we have a couple best practices that we suggest you consider before getting started. 

Image Specs:

  1. For all of your menu items we require both a Small (1:1, 300x300) and Medium (25:14, 750x420) version for the app. 
  2. We suggest keeping file sizes under or around 100KB so that loading images does not slow the app down.
  3. The files need to be exported as either a PNG or JPEG (JPG).
  4. You only need a Small Image for Menus and Groups unless you are planning on using our web ordering. If you use our web ordering you will need medium pictures for groups as well.
  5. The way you name the files is important. Please be sure to name the photos the exact same way they are named in the POS. For example, if the item in your POS is named "Lg BLT Sandwich", then name the Image exactly "Lg BLT Sandwich".


  1. We suggest listing out every Group you could potentially have within the mobile version of your menu before taking any photography. For example, your "Sandwiches" Group may have 2 Groups within it called "Combos" and "Solos". If you know your Menu will be structured like this then you would want one image of just the sandwich another of the sandwich with a side and drink). The core idea is that every Group and Subgroup within the app should have an image.
  2. We also suggest planning for items like "build your own" or "soup of the day", that don't necessarily have a standard picture. For "build your own" we have seen pictures of cutting boards with various ingredients, staff members assembling the item and various other creative ideas. The core idea here is that if you plan on having photos for the items, try to make sure that every main item that will appear in the app should have an image.
  3. If you are going to take one image of each item, we prefer for them to be zoomed out so that you can crop both a Small (1:1, 300x300) and Medium (25:14, 750x420) version for the app. 
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