Feature Overview
Preparing Image files
Naming Convention:
- Name each image file exactly as the item’s internal title (the first column on the Items/Groups page), not the display title.
- Ensure that the filename matches the case of the item title (e.g., uppercase, lowercase).
- If the internal title is “New York - Egg and Cheese Sandwich,” the corresponding image file should be named “Egg and Cheese Sandwich.jpg.”
Handling Special Characters:
- For item titles containing special characters (such as < > : " / \ | ? *), remove these characters from the filename. The revised name should work without any issues.
Organizing Files:
- Upload your image files into a main folder that contains two subfolders: sm for small images and md for medium images.
- Place medium-sized images in the md folder and small-sized images in the sm folder.
Image Specifications:
- The following image file types are supported for uploading: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif
- Small images should be square (1:1 ratio, 300 x 300px) and under 400kb.
- Medium images should have an aspect ratio of 25:14 (750 x 420px) and be under 400kb.
How to Upload Images
- Prepare your images using the above guidelines
- Log into the dashboard ( with your admin portal credentials
- Under Menu Management, select Image Upload
- Select +Upload
- Select if you are uploading to Menus Groups or Items
- Select your folder. You will see how many images will be uploaded
- Select Upload
- Wait for status to move from Processing to Complete
- You can then check if your images found a match by clicking on the record with your upload.
If there is no match, you will need to review your file title and item title to make sure they are the same.
If there is a match you can see which locations/items the image was assigned to by clicking "# Matches"
Lastly, you will need to publish the menus within the admin portal > Products > Menu
- If images are downloaded from a source like Google Drive, the folder may have an unnecessary, hidden file called .DS_Store, which will prevent this folder from being directly imported into our system.
If this happens, the easiest solution is to create a new folder and move the images to that. Then, import that folder. It should work without issue!