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Gift Card Balance Report

The gift card balance report provides operators with a dynamic list of all gift cards that exist in Incentivio's database - both Active and Inactive.


This article contains the following sections:

  1. Accessing the Gift Card Balance Report
  2. Gift Card Balance Report Fields
  3. Limitations


Accessing the Gift Card Balance Report

The gift card balance report can now be accessed directly in the Incentivio Admin portal:

    1. Navigate to Analytics > Gift Card Balance Report.
    2. Select the Liability as of Date you would like to view.
      Please note: This date must be after 2024-01-24 (when this feature was launched). For dates before this, please contact so we can manually run this report for you.
    3. Click Export.
    4. A CSV report will begin generating and will automatically download - generally within 30 seconds. However, if the report generation takes longer than 30 seconds, it will be emailed directly to the address on your admin account.

gc balance rep.gif


Gift Card Balance Report Fields

  • Gift Card Number - The full gift card number. When searching for a gift card in the Admin portal, please exclude any quotation marks.
  • Card Status - The status of the card (Active/Inactive) as of the date the report is being generated for.
  • Total Balance - The total balance on the gift card, including both liable and comp balance.
  • Liable Balance - The remaining balance of funds the guest paid for and loaded onto the card.
  • Comp Balance - The remaining balance of funds the restaurant provided to the guest, usually as part of a gift card bonus, promotion, or customer service accommodation.
  • Imported/Purchased Date - The date that the gift card was purchased, or when it was imported into our database.
  • Activated Date - The date the gift card was activated. New gift cards will show "Data Not Available," as they have never been activated.
  • Last Adjusted Date - The last date a transaction occurred on this card.
  • Initial Purchase Amount* - The original purchase value of the gift card.
  • Initial Purchase Location* - The original purchase location of a gift card.

*For gift cards that were activated before using Incentivio and imported into our database, the initial purchase amount and location will not be available.



This report may not work if there is a large gift card liability (greater than 300,000 cards.) In this case, please contact so we can manually run this report for you!

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