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Revel POS - Loyalty Lookup

We're thrilled to announce significant enhancements to our Revel integration, paving the way for a more seamless in-store loyalty experience. Now, clients can effortlessly associate loyalty with transactions and redeem offers directly from their accounts, eliminating the need for cumbersome QR codes or barcodes. 

These recent changes bring forth a far more robust in-store loyalty lookup, empowering clients and staff to engage effortlessly with loyalty programs and unlock rewards with unprecedented ease.

This article will discuss how to enable this feature in Revel, as well as how to use this new loyalty lookup flow in-store.


Please note: When creating item-based offers for in-store redemption, it is necessary to target the Item - not the Menu or Category/Group. This will prevent the offer from being redeemable in-store.



  1. How to Enable Loyalty Lookup in Revel
  2. Looking Up a User
  3. Lookup & Redemption on the Customer Display
  4. Notes


How to Enable Loyalty Lookup in Revel

*This feature is currently being beta-tested and is hidden for most Revel clients. To participate in the beta-testing phase, reach out to your Account Manager at Revel to request access to the below section.

To enable the new Loyalty Lookup functionality in Revel:

  1. Sign into the Revel portal.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Gift, Rewards, and Admin Cards > Open Loyalty.
  3. Select Configure Now.
    image (8).png
  4. Under Open Loyalty Configuration, select Incentivio as the Provider. Under Provider Setup, you must enter the Base URL, INC-Location-ID, and Authorization Key.
    The Base URL will have a drop-down menu to select between either the Developer or Production URL. Select the PROD (production) URL.
    The INC-Location-ID and Authorization Key must be obtained from the Incentivio team. If you have not already received these, please contact or your Customer Success Manager.

    When entering the Authorization Key, it should be entered after "Bearer." For example, this field should say: Bearer aug523234lkjf09sdfk2flsas
    image (9).png

  5. Save these changes.



Looking Up a User

  1. Select Loyalty Lookup from the actions menu.
    Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 1.38.24 PM.png
  2. Select the "Search By" method, and enter the customer's phone number or email, then click Next.
    Alternatively, loyalty accounts can be pulled u[ by scanning the customer's loyalty QR code with the iPad camera.
    To scan a QR code, select the camera icon:
    Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 1.44.56 PM.png
  3. Here, it will show all loyalty account information, including total points, and any rewards.
    Applicable Rewards are those that can be applied to this order. Conditional Rewards are those that the customer has earned, but that their current order does not currently qualify for (based on the items in their cart.)
    Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 1.55.35 PM.png
  4. To apply a reward, tap on the desired reward, then click Attach in the top right corner. This will apply the selected reward and attach the customer's loyalty account to this order.
  5. If the customer does not want to apply any offers to their order, just click Attach to attach the loyalty account to the order so the customer will earn points on their purchase.


Lookup & Redemption on the Customer Display

In addition to enabling in-store teams with an improved flow to lookup customer accounts, this update also enables customers to lookup their own account and apply rewards directly on the customer-facing display (CDS XT).

  1. To look up a loyalty account, click ‘Earn Rewards’ and enter the loyalty lookup information on the customer display. Then, click ‘Login’.
    Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 2.28.20 PM.png
  2. This will also pull up any applicable rewards, and allows the customer to select an offer and apply it directly from the customer-facing display. Alternatively, they can select No Reward to just attach their loyalty account:
    Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 2.28.54 PM.png



  • If guests are looking up and applying their own offers on the guest facing display (GFD), it will allow them to apply more than one qualifying offer to their order. Unfortunately, this is a limitation on Revel's end that we are not able to control at this time.
  • The guest facing display has a Scan button, seemingly allowing customers to scan their own barcode/QR code. However, this is not currently supported on the GFD at this time and will display the error: "establishment does not support user lookup by scancode". Scanning does work from the POS.
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