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Incentivio Dashboard - Sales Summary

The Sales Summary tab in the Incentivio Dashboard provides operators with a quick summary of all sales by location. It also provides an overview of all Scan to Pay transactions, broken down by gift cards/preloaded cards and credit cards.

This page can be filtered by two fields: date range or location. By default, it will show the current date's transactions and all locations the user can access. Additionally, operators can select to view this in two different timezones - either UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) or the user's local timezone.

Note: If you are using Incentivio Payments, it is best to view this in UTC to ensure the figures align with your deposits.


Here is a quick tour of this page:


Sales by Location

The Sales by Location section provides a brief overview of all transactions completed for each location during the selected time frame. Clients using an integrated point-of-sale system will see that these figures include sales from in-store and third-party transactions. This report will provide the total number of these transactions and the dollar value during the selected time frame.

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 2.37.21 PM.png

Note: This report runs on a 2-day delay and will not show real-time sales.
For example, if the date is 3/27/24, the most recent date this report will be available for is 3/25/24.


Scan to Pay Sales Summary

The Scan to Pay Sales Summary is updated in real-time to reflect the most current use of Scan to Pay. This section is broken down by Scan to Pay Gift Card (including Preload) and Scan to Pay - Credit Card and will provide the cumulative number of transactions, order amount (subtotal), tip amount, and total.

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 3.44.36 PM.png


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