Menu Builder Tool
- Under the “Products” tab in the Incentivio portal, select “Menu”.
- Each menu has 4 buttons on the right-hand side of the screen. Click on the second one that looks like a list.
- On the left-hand side of the screen, you will see two buttons that say “Build” and “Re-Order”.
- If you don’t need to add any items or groups to the menu, stay on “Re-Order”. Click on “Modifiers” or “Subgroups” to view your menu groups and “Items” to view your items. From here, you can simply drag and drop groups/items to change the order.
- If you want to add items or groups to the menu, click on “Build”. Here, you will be able to search for groups and items and drag and drop them into the menu. Once they are in the menu, you can drag and drop them up and down to change the order.
- Make sure to click “Save” and then Publish the menu when prompted.
Recommended Use:
- If you’re more visual and want to see everything at the same time, this is the best way to edit order.
- If you’re not as picky about the exact order of items, this is the quickest way to set the order of groups.
Display Rank
- Under the “Products” tab, select either Group or Item.
- At the top left corner of the grid, there is a button that looks like a list. Click on this button to bring up a menu.
- Find “Display Rank” in the menu and make sure it is checked off. The “Display Rank” field should appear on the grid.
- Search for the item or group that you would like to edit. In the “Display Rank” field, add the order you would like the item/group to appear on its respective group/menu.
- Click outside of the grid row you are editing to save your changes. Alternatively, scroll all the way to the right and click on the check mark. You should see the row flash green to indicate a successful save.E
Alphabetizing Items or Groups:
- First, if you only want to alphabetize a certain Group or Modifier Group, select "Filters" and find the Group(s) you want to alphabetize.
- Click on the column called "Title" to make sure the items are being sorted alphabetically
- Make sure "Display Rank" is a column showing up on the page by using the "Columns" button
- Click the checkbox in the top left of the grid to select all Items or Groups
- Click "Bulk Actions", then "Auto Rank", and then "Display Rank"
- Click "Save" after the display ranks have been updated
Recommended Use:
- Setting Display Rank for each individual component is the most effective way to make sure they always stay in that order. Display Rank defaults to “1” for every new component created, so keeping them all at 1 can occasionally cause the logic to change for the order they’re in.