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Creating a Loyalty Offer

Loyalty Offers are a key feature for rewarding your most loyal guests and driving repeat visits to your restaurant. These offers allow operators to create exclusive discounts or rewards that are tied to a guest’s loyalty activity. This article provides a detailed, step-by-step guide to creating a Loyalty Offer in the Incentivio admin portal.



  1. What Section
  2. When Section
  3. Who Section



  1. Navigate to the Marketing section of the Incentivio admin portal, and select Offers.
  2. Click on + New Loyalty.
  3. The Loyalty Offer template is divided into three sections: What, When, and Who. Each section must be completed to set what is being discounted (or what points are being distributed), when it will be sent out, and to who it will be sent to.


What Section

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    1. Select a Program and Campaign for this offer to live within.
      For more information on creating a Program or Campaign, please refer to this article: Creating Programs and Campaigns
    2. Enter the internal title for this offer. Customers will not see this.
    3. For customers using an integrated point-of-sale, such as Toast and Revel, enter the external ID of the corresponding discount in the External ID. For clients with multiple locations, it may be necessary to select the Per Store option and enter each location’s unique external discount ID. This field can also be used to target discounts that are only redeemable at specific locations.
      1. If you are using Toast, please view this article: Creating Toast Discounts (External IDs)
      2. If you are using Revel, please view this article: Creating Revel Discounts (External IDs)
      3. For all other POS, please contact with any questions regarding external IDs.
      Note: If you are awarding loyalty points, it is not necessary to set up an external discount.
    4. If this offer should always be available in customer inboxes (such as tiered loyalty offers), enable the checkbox next to Offer is Always Available.
      Here is a helpful guide that explains Always Available Offers: Always Available Offers
    5. Select + Add Reward and select whether this offer will Award Points or Use Points for Discount.
    6. If this offer will Award Points, enter the amount of points to be awarded. If it requires the purchase of specific products, set Has Qualifying Products to Yes and select the products a guest must purchase to receive these bonus points. If points should be awarded for each qualifying item that guests purchase, set Award for Each Qualifying Unit to Yes.
      Screenshot 2024-12-16 at 9.50.30 AM.png
    7. If this offer will Use Points for Discount, set the: Purchase Type, Points Cost (how many points the customer must spend to receive this discount), Discount Type, and Discount Amount.
      Select the appropriate Discount Target - either Order or Product - and whether this offer Has Qualifying Products - meaning customers must also have another item in their cart in order to redeem this offer.
      Screenshot 2024-12-16 at 9.53.21 AM.png
    8. Save the changes made on this screen.
    9. Finally, select + Add Display Content to edit the content that customers will be able to see in their inbox. Select the language in which this content will be displayed. Then, enter the Display Title, Short Description, Long Description, and attach both a Small and a Medium Image. Use the available preview to visualize how this content will display to customers.
      Note: All images should be below 100KB in size to prevent delays in loading. Images over 400KB cannot be added and attempting to add them will display an error.Screen_Shot_2022-09-28_at_3.48.58_PM.png

When Section


  1. For Distribution Mode, select whether this offer will distribute automatically (Auto) to qualifying customers OR after they have completed an Activity (such as completing a transaction.)
    For more information about Activity-based distributions, please refer to this article: Activity Types
  2. For Channels, select how customers should be alerted about this offer. Account will always be selected, as all offers will be available in the in-app/web inbox for qualifying customers. Push notifications are sent to the customer’s phone (if they have push notifications enabled for the app) and Emails will be sent to customers who have opted-in to receive marketing emails.
    Note: SMS marketing is also available for customers who have set up this feature. Please note that there is a per-message charge for each SMS (text message) sent. Contact or your Customer Success Manager for more information or to set up SMS marketing for your business.
  3. Redistribution Mode and Distribution Blackout control how often customers can receive this offer.
    Single Lifetime – Customers can only receive this offer once and cannot receive it again once they have used or deleted it.
    Single Active – Customers can only have one copy of this offer in their inbox at a time, but can receive another copy after they have used or deleted it.
    Multiple – Customers can receive multiple copies of this offer in their inbox.
    Distribution Blackout — This determines how much time must pass before customers can receive another copy of this offer. (For example, if the distribution blackout is set to 30 days, a new copy of this offer cannot be distributed until more than 30 days have passed.)
  4. Select the Start and End dates for the distribution of this offer. This is separate from the redemption Start and End date, as this controls the dates that new copies of this offer can be sent to customers. Redemption Start and End dates control when this offer can actually be redeemed by customers, and may be different from the Distribution dates.
    There are two Distribution End Date Types:
    1. Static - This is a fixed start and end date. Guests can begin receiving the offer as of the start date, and no new copies will be sent out after the end date.
    2. Never Expire - This offer's distribution will not expire. To stop distributions on an offer set to Never Expire, the Targeting Rule can be updated to "No One (Draft Mode)." This will allow guests who have already received the offer to redeem it through the Redemption End Date, while preventing additional distributions.
  5. Advanced Options provide users with more flexibility to limit or control distribution based on total distribution count, time zone, day of week, and time slots:
    Distribution Count—How many times can this offer be sent overall? Unlimited will send it to all eligible guests without a limit, while Fixed Amount limits the number of total copies.
    Time Zone - The time zone used for offer distribution when setting time slots. This also plays a role in determining offer eligibility when using the Redemption Rule Time of Day. For example, if an offer is redeemable between 2 PM and 4 PM, and is set to PST for the Time Zone, it will consider this based on PST - meaning it would be redeemable between 5 PM and 7 PM EST.
    Day of Week* - The Day or Days of week this offer should be distributed.  By default, all days are selected. If this offer should only distribute on one specific day, unselect all other days except for the day of distribution.
    Time Slots* - The time slots the message will be distributed. By default, three time slots will be selected - 7 AM - 8 AM, 11 AM - 12 PM, and 4 PM - 5 PM. These fall just before the three main meal periods (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), but time slots can be added or removed to further customize when guests will receive this offer.
    In most cases, the Advanced Options do not have to be adjusted, as they have preset options that are applicable for most offers. However, they can absolutely be adjusted to further control this offer's distribution.
    *Day of Week & Time Slots only available for offers with Auto Distribution Mode selected.

Who Section

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  1. Under the Targeting Rules subsection, there are several options to control who the offer is distributed to. First is Reach, which enables users to target existing customers of specific locations (for multiple location clients), or to target customers who already have an existing purchase history. If this is checked, only customers who have made a purchase attached to their loyalty account (mobile app, web ordering, and/or in-store, if applicable) at the selected location(s) will receive this offer.
  2. Select whether this will target a Custom Rule or a previously created Segment. Custom Rules enable users to set Targeting Rules for this specific offer, whereas Segments are pre-set rules that have been created and can be reused for multiple different communications. If you are using an existing segment, skip to step 21.
    For more information about creating and targeting Segmentsplease refer to this article: Creating a Segment
  3. Next, select the Targeting Rules for this offer. Targeting Rules control who will receive this offer. Targeting Rules can be stacked to target unique segments of the customer base using the Logical Operator AND. Alternatively, this can be changed to OR to allow any guests that meet any one of the listed rules to receive this offer.For example, an offer could be set up to target Average Basket Value >= 50 AND Lifetime Orders >= 5 AND Journey Stage = LOYALIST. In this case, a guest would have to meet all three of these criteria to receive the offer. By changing the Logical Operator to OR, any guest that meets just one of these criteria would receive this offer.
  4. Redemption Rules control who can redeem this offer. We recommend keeping the Redemption Rules more general than the Targeting Rules; this is because offers cannot be redeemed by users who have not received it (based on the Targeting Rules), so it is necessary to ensure that anyone who was targeted with this offer can redeem it without issue.The most commonly used Redemption Rules are Everyone (meaning everyone who received the offer) and Basket Subtotal, which allows users to set a minimum basket value that must be reached before they are eligible to redeem the offer.Like Targeting Rules, Redemption Rules can be stacked, and also follow the Logical Operators AND/OR.
  5. Finally, select the Redemption End Date Types, and the Start and End Dates. The Redemption dates will control when customers can actually redeem this offer, and do not have to match the Targeting start and end dates.
    There are three Redemption End Date Types:
    1. Static - This is a fixed start and end date. Guests can begin redeeming the offer on the start date, and all copies of this offer will expire out of the guest inbox after the redemption end date, preventing any further redemptions.
    2. Dynamic - This creates a dynamic expiration based on when the guest received the offer, allowing it to expire a set number of days/hours/minutes after distribution. This helps to encourage users to redeem the offers in their inbox by setting a rather than letting them sit unused.
    3. Never Expire - This offer's redemption will not expire. To stop redemptions on an offer set to Never Expire, it would have to be deleted.
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