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Loyalty - Earning & Spending Points


The Incentivio loyalty platform can support a wide variety of loyalty programs. Customers can earn points for each dollar they spend; however, you can also set up Loyalty Offers that allow them to earn certain amounts of points for other reasons as well (more details below). You can then allow them to spend points either by meeting certain thresholds (e.g. “100 points for $10.00 off) or assign a dollar amount to each point and allow them to spend any amount of their points at checkout. You can even offer both methods of redemption at the same time!


Earning Loyalty Points:

There are essentially two ways customers can earn loyalty points.

  1. Points per dollar spent - You can set a ratio for earning points based on dollars spent. For example, if you set “10” for your points awards ratio, that means that for every dollar the customer spends, they will receive 10 points.
  2. Meeting specific targeting criteria - You can create loyalty offers in the Incentivio portal that give customers opportunities to earn points by meeting certain criteria. They can be set to award points when customers order a certain product (or type of product), check in to a certain location, share messages on social media, or use any of our other targeting rules that we have available.
  3. This loyalty can supplement a running “points per dollar spent” program by providing additional opportunities to earn points, e.g., awarding points for checking in to promotional events or holidays.
  4. They can also be used as the core of the loyalty program and in place of the “points per dollar spent” program. For example, a hamburger chain can offer 10 points for every hamburger that a customer purchases.
  5. If you want to learn more about targeting rules, check out this article: Targeting Rules

In-store and online orders (order NOT through the app):

Incentivio has 2 ways for customers to make sure their in-store and online orders still earn them points.

  1. We have a loyalty card (on certain POS), which is a button in the app that pulls up a barcode for your employees to scan at the time of the order. This will scan in a unique customer ID that attaches the transaction to the customer’s account, thus ensuring the customer gets loyalty points.
  2. Customers can provide their phone number or email. Typically, either a phone number or email is a required field during sign-up. This means that we can link online or in-store orders to a customer’s account as long as they enter this information during the online order or have your employees enter it during an in-store order.  
  3. Some POSs that we integrate with offer a lookup feature in the POS itself. This feature allows restaurant staff members to look up a customer’s rewards account and apply available offers, attach the account to the order so that they earn points, view their loyalty balance, and more! If you are unsure whether or not your POS has this feature, please ask your Customer Success Manager. 



  1. There are limitations to earning points on discounted transactions:
    1. Subtotal loyalty (points per dollar spent) will always award loyalty, even if the order has discounts. The number of points awarded will be based on the post-discount subtotal.
    2. Transaction Complete (activity type) offers will still be successfully awarded, even if an order has discounts applied (except in the instance outlined below).
    3. Discounted items are not valid qualifying items and, therefore, not eligible for earning points. Transaction Complete (activity type) offers and Punch-based loyalty (meeting specific targeting criteria) will not award points on discounted items. 



Spending Points:

You can create any number of Loyalty Offers for customers to spend their points on rewards.

  1. When creating a loyalty redemption offer, you can specify how many points you would like it to cost (A), when and to whom the offer gets distributed (B), and even set additional criteria that the customer must meet in order to use the offer (C).
  2. For example, you can have an offer that costs 100 points (A) and is distributed to customers with 80 loyalty points or more on weekdays between 5 and 6 p.m. (B). You can also require them to have any item from the “entrees” group in their basket in order to apply it (C).

In-store orders:

  1. Incentivio offers in-store loyalty redemption by giving you the ability to enter a code (of your choosing) to display as a bar code or QR code when the customer hits “redeem” on the offer in their inbox. You can attach this code to a discount in your POS and the offer will effectively be applied to the order.
  1. As it was mentioned earlier - There are some POSs that we integrate with that offer a lookup feature in the POS itself. This feature allows staff members at the restaurant to look up a customer’s rewards account and apply available offers to the current ticket.
  1. Fraud: We suggest that you train your staff to close out of the offer on the customer’s phone after scanning it in to ensure it is not a screen shot.
  2. Variable codes: If your POS supports variable codes, that will eliminate this potential for fraud by creating a new code every time a customer redeems the offer. Simply enter the same prefix and trailing code length for both the offer in our portal and the discount in your POS back-end.



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