Within the Admin Portal you have the ability to download a list of all of your customers! This article contains the following sections:
What the Customer List Contains
The Customer List includes all customer accounts with information such as:
- First & Last Name
- Email Address
- Phone
- Email Opt-in
- SMS Opt-in
- Account Created Date
- Current Loyalty Balance
- Last Purchase Date
- Lifetime Visits
- Lifetime Spend Amount
- Days Since Last Purchase Percentile
- Average Basket Value
- Average Basket Value Per Month
- Purchases per Month
- Purchases per Month Percentile
- Average Purchases Per Week
- User Affiliation
- Signup Source
- Reach Location
- Guest Journey Stage
- Attrition Risk
This list can be downloaded in the Admin Portal's Analytics Dashboard.
If you do not have access to the Dashboard, please contact your CSM or support@incentivio.com
How to Download the Customer List
The steps below outline how to download the Customer List:
- Navigate to Analytics > Dashboard
- Click on "Download Customer List"
The list may take 5-20 seconds after you click the link to download. - The file can be found in your "Downloads" Folder and will be named: "restaurantName_Customer_Export_currentDate.csv".
Phone numbers are downloaded with an additional ' character, in order to retain their proper format. To remove this character from the column, please follow the below steps:-
- Highlight the column
- Click "Find & Select"
- Select "Replace"
- Enter the ' character for "Find what" and then click "Replace All"
- Filtering the Customer List:
- Import the Customer List into Excel or Google Sheets using the Import function:
- Using this table, you can filter by the particular Columns to find certain information. For example, you can find the "Reach Location" column to find users first purchase location:
Or the "Account Created Date" to find the signup date:For example, to find all users who signed up within a certain date range, use the Excel filter function and set the date range needed:
- Import the Customer List into Excel or Google Sheets using the Import function: