Incentivio's native gift card solution provides brands with a powerful marketing tool to drive guest acquisition and retention. For brands on Toast POS, or who are looking for a digital-only gift card solution (for other POS partners), this helps to provide a seamless experience by encouraging gift card usage directly through Incentivio's app and web ordering.
For brands using other POS, such as Revel or Qu, we have integrations with multiple third-party gift card providers that can support a seamless in-store and online experience. Please connect with your Implementation Manager or Customer Success Manager to discuss the best option for your brand!
Please note: This article only applies to brands using Incentivio's native gift card module. If you are using a third-party provider, such as eCardSystems or Valutec, all adjustments should be made through their platform and cannot be made in Incentivio.
Searching for Gift Cards
There are multiple ways to find a gift card in the Incentivio admin portal.
When first navigating to the Gift Card tab (Marketing > Gift), it will always show zero ('0') results. It is first necessary to search by Card Number, Owner Email, Sender Email, or Recipient Email.
- Searching by Card Number (either full or partial) is the most straightforward way to find a gift card. However, searching by a partial gift card number may populate multiple results, so we recommend verifying that you are viewing the correct card before making any adjustments.
- Owner Email will pull up all gift cards attached to a guest's loyalty account. These include comp cards, cards purchased for themselves, and cards sent to them from someone else.
- Sender Email will pull up all gift cards that a guest has sent to others using that email as the "From" email.
- Recipient Email will pull up all gift cards that a guest has been emailed from others.
Once you have found the card you'd like to view, select View on the right-hand side for more details or to make any needed adjustments.
Gift Card Adjustments
Administrator adjustments allow operators to manually adjust gift card balances and statuses directly from the Incentivio Admin Portal. This video walks through making each of these adjustments.
Please note: Any adjustments to the gift card balance must be associated with a location. These include Add Value, Remove Value, and Set Balance to Zero. This is to ensure that the gift card pooling report remains accurate and that all transactions are associated with a particular location.
Sending Comp Cards
Comp cards, short for complimentary cards, are preloaded cards given by brands to customers or employees as a form of promotion, reward, or compensation. These cards can be used exactly like regular gift cards, allowing recipients to purchase goods or services up to the card's balance.
- After logging into the Incentivio admin portal, navigate to Marketing > Gift.
- Select + New Comp Card.
- Select the store that this gift card's value should be associated with and enter the amount of the gift card.
- If you would like to email this gift card to the guest, select Yes next to Send Email; otherwise, proceed to step 6.
- After selecting Yes to Send email, enter the necessary information, including:
From (employee name or brand name)
To (guest name)
Email (guest email)
Message (optional) - Click Save.
This will generate the new gift card and, if selected, email the card to the customer. The admin will then be redirected to the gift card details screen for that card.
Once you have sent out the Comp Card, it will integrate with your gift cards. You can then search for it in the initial Search tab and track both its use and activation. To do this, simply enter the card's number or recipient email address into the search tab. The Comp Card will appear on the screen along with several helpful metrics for a quick overview of the card's recent actions. These metrics include the current balance of the card, the card's status (Active or Inactive), and the activation date (creation date). To view the card's history, select the View button on the right-hand side under Actions.
Comp Cards and the Gift Card Pool Report
- Comp Card Assignment: For standard comp cards generated within our portal, assigning them to a specific store reflects in the pool report. This allows any redemption at that/any store to balance out since the store comped the card.
- Imported Comp Cards (e.g., Costco Cards): Currently, we do not assign these imported cards to a specific store. This means they exist in the system without a designated store. If redeemed at a store, the pool now owes that store with the full revenue from the transaction.
Other Resources
Using Third-Party Gift Cards with Incentivio