This article will provide a walkthrough on how to setup the pickup and curbside pickup options located in 'Store Ordering Setup'.
Setting Up Pickup
- Pickup Order Processing Time: This is how long it takes from the customer placing the order for the food to be ready for pickup.
- Pickup Availability Interval: This is the interval between pickup times that is shown in the app. For example, if you make this "15", customers will see "11:15, 11:30, 11:45...".
- Days Pickup Unavailable: If there are days that you are closed or simply do not want to accept pickup orders, this is where you can close the date out. Note - this will close out the entire day. If you'd like to close for a few hours, you will need to adjust your hours, then remember to switch them back at the end of the day.
- Minimum/Max Basket Value: If you'd like to set a minimum or maximum value for customers to purchase, check off this box. Fill out the minimum, maximum, or both, then add display content. This is the message that your customers will see to notify them of the minimum or maximum.
Setting Up Curbside Pickup
To add Curbside Pickup, click on the 'Pickup Options' tab and select 'Add New Option'
- Option Name: This is the name that will be displayed on your POS ticket or the Incentivio Order Tablet. This name is not displayed the the customer. Label this as CURBSIDE PICKUP.
- The Display Rank: This refers to the order the client will see if you have created more than one pickup option. For example if you would like to give customers the option to purchase using both Pickup and Curbside Pickup, you can create an option for both and label them 1 and 2. If you only have one pickup option, put '1' in this box.
- Enable Information Field: This enables a required field that the customer must fill out to continue placing their order. (If this is selected a followup option will appear giving you the ability to make the field mandatory or not.)
- Enable Instructions: This field displays a text label that will display instructions to the customer.
- Enable "I am Here": If selected, this option will display an "I'm here" button on the mobile app for customers that have an active order for this Ordering Option. Please note, an app updated is required to enable 'I'm Here' and you will need to have an android tablet with the Incentivio app installed. Please reach out to either your CSM or the Incentivio Support team to enable this feature.
- Channels for Order Received Notification: This sends a preconfigured message to the customer after they have completed their order.
- Channel for Order Complete Notification: This sends a preconfigured message to the customer after the order is closed within Incentivio. This is usually when the order is at the front of the house for pickup, or when the order has been picked up by the driver for delivery.
Add Display Content
In this field you will be able to create text shown to the customer ordering curbside pickup. The text box options here will change depending on whether you selected options 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 above.
- Language: This is the language the customer will see the message appear in.
- Display Title: This will be the display title the customer sees.
- Information Field: Here, you can ask the customer for identifying attributes when they are picking up curbside. For example, if you want to identify a customer at curbside pickup by their car, you can ask in this field, "please add your cars make and model for curbside pickup orders".
- Error Message If Information Field Is Empty: This field will appear if you have chosen to set the information field as mandatory at step 4 of setting up pickup. Please add text further explaining what identifying information you need from the customer here.
- Instructions: These are the instructions the customer will see when they select this pickup option. You may also include a phone number to call, web link, or "mailto" links (please note that "mailto" links should contain single word subjects).
- I'm Here Response Message: In this section you can add an automatic response message which will be sent out as a reply to any customers I'm here message. For example, "Thanks for notifying us; our food will be out shortly!"
- Order Confirmation Email Message: This is the message that will be sent directly after a customers order is placed. Here you can use the automated learning tools on the right side to attach different individualized pieces of information direct from the clients order, including their name, order type/option, required time, and location.
- Order Closed Email Message: This is the message that will be sent to the customer after their order is closed. Again, you can use all the same tools as the confirmation email message to add a personal touch.