This article will explain how to create a 'buy one, get one free' offer with the Incentivio platform.
Before getting started, an important note about BOGO style offer is that, depending on whether you target the offer at the item level or at the group level, guests may not be able to mix and match items.
Targeting the offer at specific items will mean that guests must have two of the same items in their cart to qualify for one of them to be discounted.
Targeting the offer at the group level means that guests must have two items from the same group in their cart to qualify for one of them to be discounted.
At this time, we cannot mix and match items across groups to qualify for the offer.
For example: If the offer requires guests to have two items from the coffee group OR two items from the iced tea group, the guest cannot have one item from the coffee group and one from the iced tea group in their cart; they must have two items from the same group.
Creating An Offer
Sign into the Incentivio Admin Portal and navigate to the Offers tab. Select + New Offer.
Note: If this offer requires a Promo Code, be sure to create it before starting to create your offer! Refer to this guide for assistance on creating promo codes: Creating a Promo Code
What Section
- Select the Program and Campaign, and enter the Internal Title (which will not be seen by guests.)
- If you are using an integrated point of sale system (such as Toast or Revel), please refer to these guides for assistance in creating an External ID:
Toast: Creating Toast Discounts (External IDs)
Revel: Creating Revel Discounts (External IDs) - Select + Add Reward to begin selecting which items will be discounted and what items must be in the cart for the guest to qualify for this discount.
- Select the appropriate Discount Type and enter the Discount Amount. For a "true" BOGO (buy one, get one free), the Discount Type should be Percentage and the Discount Amount should be 100. However, this can be tailored to fit the offer (ex: Buy One, Get One 50% off).
- Select Product as the Discount Target, and select either the Group(s) or Item(s) that should be discounted.
- Set Has Qualifying Products to Yes, and select the same Groups(s) or Item(s) as the Discount Target. Set the amount to 2 for all applicable groups and items.
The amount must be set to 2 because the guest must have two items in their cart (the qualifying product) to have one of them discounted (the discount target).
- Save this screen, then proceed to add the Inbox Display Content, which is what guests will see in their inbox.
When Section
- If this offer uses a Promo Code, select Activity > Check In as the Distribution Mode.
If it does not, select Auto.
For assistance in understanding Activity Types, refer to this guide: Activity Types - Select the desired Distribution Channels and Redistribution Mode.
As a reminder, Single Lifetime offers will only ever be distributed once. Single Active offers can be redistributed once they have been used or deleted. Multiple offers will continue to be distributed at every available timeslot, even if the guest has a copy in their inbox; therefore, we don't recommend using them for Auto distributing offers.
If you want guests to be able to redeem this more than once, we recommend using Single Active; otherwise, select Single Lifetime. - Set the Distribution Blackout, which controls how often this can be distributed to guests.
- Select the Distribution End Date Type (either Static [a fixed end date] or Never Expire), and enter the required State Date and, if applciable, End Date.
Who Section
- If this offer is targeting specifically at customers who have established an existing ordering history, select the checkbox next to Enable Reach and select the applicable stores.
Note: This will prevent new guests from redeeming this offer, as they have not yet been assigned Reach. If you want new guests to be able to redeem this offer, ensure that this checkbox is not checked so Reach will be disabled. - If this offer requires a Promo Code for redemption, select Promo Code as the Targeting Rule, and select the previously created Promo Code from the dropdown list.
If this offer does not require a Promo Code, select your desired Targeting Rule(s) for who will receive this offer.
Tip: Use the And/Or Logical Operators to combine rules or set multiple ways guests can receive this offer!
For assistance in understanding Targeting Rules, which control which guests receive an offer, refer to this guide: Targeting Rules - Select the appropriate Redemption Rule, which controls when guests can actually redeem this offer. In most cases, Everyone is the best option to ensure that all guests who receive the offer can actually redeem it.
For assistance in understanding Redemption Rules, refer to this guide: Redemption Rules - Select the desired Redemption End Date Type - Static, Dynamic, or Never Expire.
Static end dates will expire on a set date.
Never Expire end dates will never expire (until the offer has been manually deleted from the Incentivio system.)
Dynamic end dates will expire a set amount of time after they have been distributed to the guest's account, driving urgency to redeem the offer. (Ex: Setting this field to 30 days will allow guests one month to redeem this offer after it has been sent to them; after 30 days, it will be automatically removed from their inbox.) - Set the desired Redemption Start Date and Redemption End Date (if applicable.)
- Save the offer.