This article is a section of our larger piece, Groups Guide. To view the Groups Guide, please click here.
- Click on “+ New Group” In the Group tab under 'Products'.
- Add the “Title” of the Group– this is an internal title, so we recommend making it something that will be easy for you to identify. For example, you could add a prefix for the location or menu that the Group belongs to.
- Select the type of Group you would like this to be.
- A “Modifier” Group is used to add or change aspects of the Items or Groups it is applied to. A common example is “Wing Flavor” or “Size”.
- A “Catalog” Group is a main group on the menu, such as “Sides” or “Entrees”.
- If you are creating a Catalog Group, you can select Sub Groups or Modifier Groups to add to the Catalog Group.
- Sub Groups are a middle ground between Catalog and Modifier groups. An example would be if you had a Catalog group called “Sandwiches”, and Sub Groups within it called “Subs”, “Paninis”, and “Burgers”.
- A Modifier Group can be attached to a Catalog Group, but not to another Modifier Group.
- Select the Items that will be in the Group.
- Add Display Content for the Group. It is mandatory that you add a language and Display Title (remember that your customers will see this Title). Add descriptions and images if you wish to.
- Add the Start and End date – usually, the Start Date is today’s date and the End Date is very far in the future (ex. 31 Dec 2099) unless it is a seasonal special.
- Select the “Applicable Order Types”. They should both be checked off (colored blue) to start, so if you don’t want an item to be available for Delivery, for example, make sure to click Delivery to turn it white.
- “Display Rank” is the order in which the Group will appear on the Menu or in the Item. This will default to “1”.
- “External ID” should populate automatically if you import your menu from Toast.
- “Min Item Selections” and “Max Item Selections” define how many Items within the Group can be selected per order. For example, if a customer must select a Wing Flavor, you would set “Min Item Selections” to 1. If they can only select 2 Wing Flavors, set the “Max Item Selections” to 2.
- “Inherit Parent Options” should be checked off if you would like this Item to take on the modifiers applied to its parent group. For example, let say you have an item called “Wing Meal”, and you checked off “Inherit Parent Options”. This item belongs to a Menu (parent) group called “Wings”, which has the “Wing Flavors” modifier group assigned to it. In this example, the “Wing Meal” would automatically have the modifier group “Wing Flavor” as well.
- Finally, make sure that the status is set to “Active” if you want the group to show up in the app and web ordering once it is added to a menu.
- Click “Save” to create the Group!