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Advanced Options in Offers & Messages

- This article is drawn from the larger piece Creating an Offer. To view that document please click here.

  1. Distribution Count allows you to specify how many total instances of this Message you want to get distributed. You can also select unlimited if you don’t want to limit how many Offers can go out.
  2. Set a Time Zone according to where you are located, so that if you select a day of the week or time slots to distribute, it comes at the right time based on your location. Ours automatically defaults to Eastern Time.
  3. Days of the Week – Select the day or days that this Offer will go out. You can select “All”.
  4. Time Slots – Select what times you want the Offer to go out. A note on this – try to limit the amount of time slots you select. Selecting too many will cause the system to slow down.
  5. If you need additional information on any of these fields, hover your mouse over the tool tip (the “i” icon) and the information there should clear up anything you are still curious about regarding the field*image-4.png


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