This article will walk you through how to build a 'Tester' account on the Incentivio platform. Please note: The TESTER tag is applied to customer accounts only. All admins/employees looking to utilize this function will first need to sign up for a user account with your brand.
1.) Sign into your Incentivio admin portal and select Customer Tags in the CSM tab. Select New Tab to add our tester attribute.
2.) In the New Tab option label the title and descriptions as TESTER, set the tag source to Imported, and the Data Type to Pick List. Once Pick List is selected, type in 'true' as the Pick List item and hit the Add button. Your Tester attribute is now ready.
3.) To assign the tag on an employee or general managers loyalty account, select the customers page in the CRM tab and search for any identifying information of the employees account. Once found, select the view customer tab on the righthand side of the screen and scroll down to the 'Customer Tags' section of their account. From here, you can search for the TESTER attribute and add it to the user account.
4.) With this attribute assigned to the employee's loyalty account, all messages and offers can now specifically target those employees using the targeting rule 'TESTER = true'.
If there are any questions about this setup, please reach out to for assistance.