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Out of Stock Today Feature

We wanted to add the ability for restaurants to mark items on their menu as “Out of Stock Today.” This way, they would not need to remember to mark the item as "in stock" the following day. This feature will make the menu item appear out of stock until the inventory status is updated to “In Stock” the following day at 5:00am EST automatically. This article will cover the Out of Stock Today feature and how to set items as Out of Stock Today. This feature is available on the Incentivio Orders Tablet app and within the Incentivio Admin Portal
  1. Feature Overview
  2. How to Set an Item as Out of Stock Today in the Admin Portal
  3. How to Set an Item as Out of Stock Today in the Incentivio Orders Tablet App


Feature Overview

The Out of Stock Today feature is a button that allows you to mark specific menu items as out of stock for today only. The item that was marked Out of Stock Today will be reset back to In Stock over night at 5:00am EST. An item that was designated as Out of Stock Today will appear as unavailable for customers when they are ordering until the next day. 



This feature is available on the Incentivio Orders Tablet App and the Incentivio Admin Portal.



How to Set an Item as Out of Stock Today in the Admin Portal

The steps below will go over how to set an item as Out of Stock Today in the Incentivio Admin Portal. 

  1. Log in to your Incentivio Admin Portal

  2. On the left side menu, go to Products and then select Items

  3. Once you are on the Items page, you can search for the specific menu item that you would like to mark as Out of Stock Today

  4. Under the Inventory column, there will be a new option called "Out of Stock Today" 
    • Note: If you do not see the Inventory Column, you will need to click on the columns button and select Inventory from the drop-down to make it display in the items table

  5. Once you have made the items that are Out of Stock Today, you may hit enter, or click the save button at the bottom to save any changes you made.
    • To make these changes appear on your menu for customers when they are ordering, you will need to re-publish the menu that these items belong in. 



You are also able to bulk edit items to set them as Out of Stock Today. To bulk edit menu items, follow this document for the appropriate steps. 

How to Set an Item as Out of Stock Today in the Incentivio Orders Tablet App

The steps below will go over how to set an item as Out of Stock Today in the Incentivio Admin Portal. 

  1. Log in to your Incentivio Orders Tablet App

  2. On the left side menu, select Search Items 

  3. Once you are on the Items page, you can search for the specific menu item that you would like to mark as Out of Stock Today

  4. Once you have made the items that are no longer in stock as Out of Stock Today, you will need to press Publish to save your changes.


A new Out of Stock Today button will appear in the Search Items screen of the Incentivio Orders Tablet App




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