This article will cover everything you need to know about the Refunds feature. The purpose of the Refunds feature is to make refunding orders that come through Web Ordering & Mobile App Ordering easier on Restaurant Brands. This feature is limited to clients that are using Spreedly and WorldPay OR Incentivio Payments as their payment processor/gateway.
This article contains the following sections:
Feature Overview & Important Notes
The Refunds feature allows Restaurant Admins to refund orders that were placed via Web Ordering and Mobile App Ordering. The Refund feature lives on the Order Details page within the Daily Sales Report. Along with the ability to refund orders, we added a refund history section to the Order Details page of an order that has been refunded, and also allow you to filter your Daily Sales Report by Refunded Orders.
There are a few notes that need to be outlined with this feature:
- Orders that are refunded in the Incentivio Admin Portal will need to be manually reconciled with your POS system to ensure reporting accuracy
- This feature currently does not reverse loyalty points that were gained (this will be available on Phase 2 of this feature)
- This feature currently does not replace offers that were used (this will be available on Phase 2 of this feature)
- Third-Party Gift Cards cannot be refunded after 14 days
- Partially refunded orders will not have the status of "Refunded" but instead will remain as a status of "Closed"
- Gift Card orders cannot be partially refunded - only fully refunded
How to Refund an Order
Below are the steps that you can take to process a Full Refund, Partial Refund, and Gift Card Refund.
- Log in to the Incentivio Admin Portal and from the left side menu, under the Analytics section, select Daily Sales Report
- Filter the Report by Store, Order, and Date Range to find the order that you want to refund.
- Once you have found the order that you want to refund, select the "View" button on the right-hand side to view the Order Details page
- Upon landing on the Order Details screen, there will be a red Refund button in the top right corner. Select this button if you want to process a: Full Refund or Partial Refund
The refund button will only be available on orders that used a Credit Card or Gift Card
The refund button will only be available on orders that used a Credit Card or Gift Card
- To process a Full Refund, select Full Refund and enter the Refund Reason. The Refund Amount will automatically be filled out and non-editable
- To process a Partial Refund, select Partial Refund, enter the Refund Amount and Refund Reason.
- Once you have filled out all of the fields for either a Full Refund or Partial Refund, select the "Refund" button at the bottom of the pop-up to process the refund
How to View Refunded Orders on the Daily Sales Report:
- To view Refunded Orders on the Daily Sales Report, select "Refunded Orders" from the Filter by drop-down and select a Date Range.
- After you have selected "Refunded Orders" and a Date Range, select the "Generate" button
- The table will now show orders that have been refunded.
- Note: Partial Refunded orders will still show up under the "Closed Orders" filter since they have not fully been refunded and can still be partially (or fully) refunded again.
- Note: Partial Refunded orders will still show up under the "Closed Orders" filter since they have not fully been refunded and can still be partially (or fully) refunded again.
- If you want to see the Refund History on a refunded order, select the "View" button on the order you want to view, and scroll down to the bottom. The Refund History should look like this: