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Incentivio Payments - Transactions

This article will go over the Transactions page that goes along with Incentivio Payments. The Transactions page was created to let Restaurant Brands keep track of transaction data generated from Incentivio Payments.


Please note, this article only applies if you are using the Incentivio Payments feature


This article contains the following sections:

  1. Incentivio Payments - Transactions Overview
  2. Transactions Table
  3. Payment Details Drawer
  4. Refunding a Transaction


Incentivio Payments - Transactions Overview

The purpose of the Transactions page is to give Restaurant Brands the ability to review their recent transactions and take actions such as: 

  • View Recent Transactions based on Payment Account, Date, Payment Status, and Transaction Type
  • View payment details on all transactions
  • Perform refunds on transactions
  • Resend receipts to a customer's email


Transactions Table

Upon landing on the transactions page, there will be a table that shows all of the transactions from the present date. On each row within the Transactions Table there will be a meatball icon (3 dots) where you can perform quick actions. Selecting the meatball icon will allow you to do: Refund transactions, View transaction details, Resend receipts, and Copy payment IDs.




The Transactions Table will contain the following data:

  • Amount: The full dollar amount of the transaction, including any taxes, tips, and service fees.
  • Type of Transaction: The type of transaction. There are 4 types of transactions:
        • Order - A standard order placed on web or mobile application.
        • Gift Card Purchase - A purchase of a new gift card.
        • Gift Card Reload - A purchase when a customer adds value to an existing gift card.
        • Scan to Pay - An in-store purchase made using the guest's saved credit/debit card with Scan to Pay (available for Toast clients only).
  • Customer: Displays the customer that performed the transaction 
  • Transaction Date: The date the transaction took place, which can be filtered to view specific date ranges.
  • Transaction Status: The status of the transaction. There are 6 different transaction statuses:
        • Successful -  A transaction where the funds have successfully been transmitted.
        • Refunded - A transaction where full cost of the order has been refunded to the guest. 
        • Partially Refunded - A transaction where a partial refund was issued to the guest.
        • Refund Pending - A transaction where the refund has been initiated but has not yet been transmitted to the guest.
        • Refund Failed - A transaction where the funds were not able to be refunded back to the guest.
        • Payment Failed - A transaction where a payment has failed.


Payment Details Drawer


When you click on a Transaction in the Transaction Table, the Payment Details drawer will be displayed. This drawer will contain information about the selected transaction. The Payment Details drawer is typically broken up into 5 sections: 

  • Transaction Details: This area contains the Transaction Date, Customer, Incentivio Order ID (Order Transaction Type), Payment Reference ID, and Gift Card Number (For Gift Card Reload and Gift Card Purchase Transaction Types)


  • Timeline: The Timeline area contains all actions related to this transaction. Most transactions will only display "Payment Succeeded," unless a refund has been performed.

    Payment Succeeded:

    Payment Refunded:

  • Order Details: This will display what the customer ordered. For "Gift Card" transaction types, the Order details section will not be displayed. Below the Order Details section, the Subtotal, Tip, and Total will be displayed:

  • Payment Details: The Payment details section contains Statement Descriptor, Amount, Fee, and Net
      • Statement Descriptor - The statement descriptor that guests will see on their credit card/bank statement.
      • Amount - Amount the customer paid.
      • Fee - Total payment processing + Incentivio processing fees associated with this transaction.
      • Net - Amount the restaurant receives.Screen_Shot_2023-02-28_at_12.54.46_AM.png
  • Payment Method: The Payment Method section contains the last four digits of the customer's card number, expiration date, card issuer, and postal code.


At the bottom of the Payment Details drawer, there are two buttons - One for Refunding and another for Sending the customer their receipt for the transaction. 



Refunding a Transaction

In the Payment Details drawer, you will be able to refund transactions - doing so will bring up the Refund Payment drawer. This drawer serves as a refund module where you can choose to either fully refund a transaction or partially refund a transaction. The Refund Payment drawer is broken up into two sections:

  • Order Details
    • For "Order" transaction types, the Order Details section will display what the customer ordered. For "Gift Card" transaction types, the Order details section will not be displayed.
    • Below the Order Details section, the Subtotal, Tip, and Total will be displayed.Screen_Shot_2023-02-28_at_12.57.40_AM.png
  • Refund Details
    • This section contains Refund Amount Type, Refund Amount, Refund Reason, Employee Name, and Send Refund Receipt to Customer checkbox.
      • Refund Amount Type - You can choose between a Partial Refund or Full Refund in this field
      • Refund Amount - You can enter an amount up to the transaction total with partial refunds. With full refunds, this field will be disabled and automatically show the transaction total in the field.
      • Refund Reason - This field is where you can leave a note about why the transaction is being refunded
      • Employee Name - This field is used to enter what employee is performing the refund
      • Send Refund Receipt to Customer Checkbox - When you select this checkbox, a refund email will be sent to the customer that contains the refund amount and refund reason.


Refunding a transaction

To refund a transaction in the Incentivio Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to Payments > Transactions. Find the transaction using the customer's phone number, or by filtering through fields such as Payment Type or Account.
  2. Click on the transaction. A drawer will pop up on the right-hand side of the screen with the order and payment details.
  3. Click Refund.
  4. Select whether this is for a Partial Amount or the Full Amount. For partial refunds, enter the Refund Amount in the second box; otherwise, move on to the Refund Reason and Employee Name (that is issuing the refund.)
  5. If you would like to receipt to the guest as proof of their refund, check the box next to Send refund receipt to customer.
  6. Click the blue Refund button at the bottom. The transaction status will update to either Refunded or Partially Refunded.


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