If you are reading this, that means the test version of your mobile app is now ready for your review, both for iOS and Android versions.To facilitate the process, we will use two platforms: TestFlight for iOS and Google Play’s internal testing platform for Android. Both these platforms allow you to test and provide feedback on the app before it is officially launched, ensuring the final product meets your expectations.
For iOS (TestFlight):
- Wait for the TestFlight Invitation: You will receive an email from “TestFlight”. This email will contain a unique code associated with your email address.
- Download TestFlight: Follow the link in the invitation email to download TestFlight from the App Store on your iPhone or iPad.
- Enter Your Unique Code: After installing TestFlight, open it and enter the unique code provided in the email to access the testing version of the app.
- Download and Test the App: After entering your unique code, the test version of the app will appear. Click “Install” to download the app. Then, use it as you normally would and provide your feedback.
For Android (Google Play Internal Testing):
- Wait for the Invitation Link: You will receive an email with a unique link to access the internal testing version of your app on Google Play Store.
- Follow the Link: Click on the link in your email to be directed to the Google Play Store page of the testing app.
- I will need the email address associated with your playstore account.
- Download and Test the App: Click “Install” on the Google Play Store page to download the testing version of your app. Use the app as you would in a real-world scenario and provide your feedback.
Please remember, these codes and links are specific to your email address. If there are additional team members who you’d like to participate in this testing phase, kindly provide their email addresses, and we’ll ensure they receive an invitation. If anyone uses android I will need the email address associated with their playstore account. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We’re here to support you through each step of this process.