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Qu POS - Loyalty Lookup

Qu's Loyalty Lookup feature lets in-store teams search for your customers’ loyalty information on your POS. You can see their point totals, active offers, and more by searching their name, email address, or phone number.


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  1. Start an order and add all desired items, as usual.
  2. Select Payment and enter the Order Type and Customer Name, if required.
  3. Select Loyalty Rewards from the right-hand side and search for the customer's account by phone number or email.
  4. Once you have pulled up their account, you will see their current loyalty point balance and any available offers/loyalty offers. To apply an offer to this order, tap on the offer to apply it to the check.
  5. If a balance remains after the offer has been applied, select Payment and proceed as usual. If the applied offer covers the balance of the check, select Payment to close out the check.
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