The Customers tab in the Incentivio Dashboard provides operators with an all-in-one solution for full control over customer accounts. This article will discuss how to search for customers, adjust loyalty points, delete user accounts, and much more.
Here is a quick tour of the Customers tab:
Searching for Customer Accounts
To look up a customer account:
- Navigate to CRM > Customers.
- Select the desired search criteria (First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, or Email).
- Type this information into the search box.
- Press enter.
- Select the account you would like to view.
- There are many actions available directly from the drawer on the right-hand side - including Edit Customer, Adjust Loyalty Points, and Delete Customer. For more information, click View Full Details.
Note for franchised groups: This page will show all customers who have created an account with the brand. It cannot currently display customers only from a particular location.
Navigating the Customer Account Page
The customer details page has easily navigable sections to help operators find what they need. These include:
Overview: This provides an overview of the customer's Persona information - including their total lifetime spend, average basket value, and the number of days since their last purchase.
Please note: Most of these fields are updated every two days as part of a batch job (except the current loyalty point balance).
Additionally, it will provide a quick glance at their last 10 transactions and top 10 customer tags—both of which can be seen in greater detail in their respective sections.
Loyalty History: This section provides insight into all loyalty transactions that have occurred on this user's account—whether points were earned, spent, manually added, or manually removed. For clients using an integrated point of sale, this will include in-store transactions with an attached loyalty account.
For each loyalty transaction, you can view the transaction date, description (the location of the transaction or the title of the redeemed loyalty offer), status, and the number of loyalty points added or removed from the balance.
Transactions: Like the Loyalty History, this will provide insight into all transactions connected with this loyalty account - both online and in-store (for integrated POS). For each transaction, you can view the transaction date, basket value, location, and order source (either In Store or API).
To view more information about a particular order, such as which items were ordered or any applied discounts, click on the transaction to view more information.
Messages: This section shows all messages currently associated with a customer's account, including the display title, a brief preview of the short description, distribution date, and status.
There are three potential message statuses - New, Read, and Expired. New messages have not been opened in the customer's account, though they may have opened this communication through another channel (such as Email or SMS), which is not currently tracked. Read messages are those the customer has opened in their app or in web ordering. Finally, Expired messages are no longer being distributed, as the end date has passed.
Offers: Similar to the Messages section, this section shows all offers and loyalty offers currently available in a customer's account, including the display title, a brief preview of the short description, the distribution date, the redemption date, and the current status.
However, unlike messages, offers and loyalty offers will not have an expired status, as expired offers and loyalty offers are removed from the customer's account, so they cannot be used.
You can also remove offers from a customer's inbox by clicking the three vertical dots on the right-hand side and clicking Remove Offer:
Tags: Customer tags are attributes that can be manually added to a customer's account to target them with marketing communications easily. Tags are created as a key-value pair, with the "key" being the customer tag, and the value being an identifier. Often, the value is a true/false statement, or another identifier.
In this example, the customer tag is USER_AFFILIATION. There are many potential values to assign to this - Customer, Investor, Employee, etc. This user has the value CUSTOMER, meaning that if the client targets the USER_AFFILIATION = CUSTOMER tag, this user will receive the message. However, other potential values (Investor, Employee, etc.) will not receive this.