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Incentivio Dashboard - Customer Tags

Customer tags enable brands to efficiently target specific customer groups by adding custom tags to individual accounts. These tags can then be used to tailor communications and marketing efforts directly to those specific segments, enhancing engagement and relevance. This article will review how to create custom tags, how to add them to customer accounts, and how to target them in communications.



  1. Creating a New Customer Tag
    1. Tag Source
    2. Data Type
    3. Creating a New Tag
  2. Adding Tags to Customer Accounts
  3. Targeting Customer Tags in Communications


Creating a New Customer Tag

It is important to understand how customer tags work to understand how they can be used. In short, customer tags are just key:value pairs—each customer tag name is a key, and at least one value must be assigned to each one. This allows brands to target customers who have the specified key:value pair on their account.


Tag Source

In short, Tag Sources are where the tag is generated from. There are three main Tag Sources; however, only one should be used when creating custom tags, and that is Imported or Manual.

  • Imported or Manual: Imported or Manual tags are assigned manually to customer accounts, either by being manually added individually or imported in bulk by our team. These are the only tag source you should select when creating a custom tag.
  • Guest Input: Guest Input tags require that guests input the value for this field on their account. One example of this is Birthday, which is a tag using Guest Input. These should only be created by the Incentivio Team, as they also require an app update and additional engineering work for them to show up for guests.
  • Generated: Generated tags are those generated by our system, such as Average Basket Value and Lifetime Spend. This should never be selected when creating a custom tag.


Data Type

Usually, Pick List is the best option for creating a custom tag. However, we provide multiple options to allow you to target communications exactly how you'd like.

  • Number: This is a number value assigned to the customer tag. Customers must meet both the tag and number value to qualify for a communication.
  • Date: This is a date value assigned to the customer tag. Customers must meet both the tag and date value to qualify for a communication
  • Pick List: This allows brands to create a custom list of values to select from. This is the most commonly used data type.
    • Example 1: TESTER
      • Value 1: True
      • Value 2: False
    • Example 2: Attribution
      • Value 1: Employee
      • Value 2: Tester
      • Value 3: Customer
      • Value 4: Corporate
  • Text: This is a text value assigned to the customer tag. Customers must meet both the tag and text value to qualify for a communication.


Creating a New Tag

Dashboard - Creating a Tag.gif

  1. In the Incentivio Dashboard, navigate to CRM > Customer Tags.
  2. Select Add New Tag + to create a new customer tag.
  3. Enter the Tag Name and a short Tag Description.
  4. Select Imported or Manual for the Tag Source.
  5. Select the appropriate Data Type - usually either Pick List or Text.
    1. If Pick List was selected, add the necessary List Options.
  6. Finally, click Create Tag.

Once the tag has been created, it can be added to customer accounts and used to target communications.


Adding Tags to Customer Accounts

Customer tags can quickly and easily be added to a guest's account directly through the CRM. For uploading tags to a large volume of customer accounts, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or our Technical Support team, as they can bulk import these to expedite the process.

Dashboard - Adding tag to act.gif

  1. In the Incentivio Dashboard, navigate to CRM > Customers.
  2. Search for the customer account by first name, last name, email, or phone number. Click on the customer account.
  3. On the drawer, select the three dots next to the customer's name, then select Edit Tags.
  4. Select the custom tag from the dropdown list. You can also begin typing the Tag Name to find it more easily. Click Add New Tag.
  5. This will add the tag to the list of active tags on the customer's account. Next, select the appropriate value next to that tag.
  6. Finally, click Save Tags.


Targeting Customer Tags in Communications

When creating a message, offer, or loyalty offer, it is super easy to target communications toward specific customer tags.

Customer Tag - Targeting.gif

  1. Under Targeting Rules, select the drop-down menu and scroll to the bottom of the list. All available custom tags will be listed there.
  2. Select the desired customer tag, then select or type the appropriate value.
  3. Select Add to complete adding this Targeting Rule, then finish setting up the offer!
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