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New Merchant

“Merchants” are the overarching category that “Stores” belong in.

  1. Under the “Setup” tab, click on “Merchant Setup” and then select “+ New Merchant”.
  2. Add a “Merchant Name” – usually just the name of your restaurant/chain. Add a quick description of yourself, and if you would like to, you can add a longer one. None of these will be displayed anywhere.
  3. Add a “From” Email for your outgoing messages that you will send by email. Usually, this is some combination of your restaurant name + members, and is always (ex.
  4. Add the address of your restaurant or headquarters.
  5. Add a “Return Period” – this is the window of time within which your customers can return products.
  6. Add a “Points Award Ratio” – this is the amount of points that your customers will earn per dollar spent on any purchase that they make through their loyalty account. Usually, this is set up at a 1:1 ratio. If you don’t want customers to earn points on their regular spending, add a 0.
  7. “Expiry Mode” defines when points will expire from the time that they are earned. You can either select an amount of time in the following “Points Expiry Days” field, or select No Expiry if you never want points to expire.
  8. Select your restaurant or headquarters’ Time Zone.




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