This article will walk through the new Locations tab in the Dashboard.
- Location Information
- Hours
- Pickup
- Delivery
- Kitchen Capacity
- Payment Settings
- Ordering Configuration
- Menu
Location Information
The Location Information section essentially replaces the Store Setup and parts of Store Ordering Setup from the Incentivio Admin portal. However, one of the most significant changes is the Location's POS selector, which helps streamline store onboarding by taking the guesswork out of which attributes are needed to onboard a location for each POS.
The general section contains store information, such as the internal location name, phone number, POS, Location GUID, and physical address.
Display Information
The display information is what customers will see when viewing the location on mobile apps or web ordering. This includes the external location name, short and long descriptions, and store images. The square image should have a ratio of 1:1, while the rectangular image should have a ratio of 25:14; however, it also supports the new image cropping tool, which helps ensure that images look precisely how brands want.
Location Settings
Locations settings help control how the store displays in online ordering, including:
Show Location in Catering/Outpost Section: Locations marked as Catering/Outpost will appear under the Catering tab on web and mobile ordering.
However, this tab can be renamed and utilized for various purposes, such as outpost locations (such as bars or breweries). -
View Menu Only Mode: View-only locations allow brands to show locations on their online ordering page, providing visibility to customers without allowing menu viewing or ordering.
Please note: This change requires an app update to support view-only locations on mobile. -
Hide Store/Test Mode: Hide Store/Test Mode is primarily for internal use and will put a store into test mode, allowing our team to ensure all settings are configured appropriately before a store launches. We do not recommend using this for hidden locations that customers can order from, as it will not award loyalty points on transactions placed while the store is in Test Mode. This will prevent the store from being viewable on web and mobile ordering.
To access the Test Mode environment, navigate to[client-name]
Location Properties
Location properties replaces the Extended Attributes section under Store Ordering Setup. Based on the POS, the mandatory fields will be listed under POS Properties, while still retaining the flexibility to add additional attributes through Additional Properties.
The Hours section will control all hours, including standard and temporary hours.
The Hours tab provides a calendar view of a location's standard hours, which can be quickly edited in bulk by clicking on the calendar and selecting the applicable days and order methods to update.
The Temporary Hours tab provides a dated calendar view, which can be quickly adjusted to set temporary hours or close a location for a given date. Both pickup and delivery hours can be edited at the same time, and clients can also enter a date range to adjust multiple days at once.
To enable or disable pickup at a given location, toggle it on and off under the location information card at the top of the screen, next to Pickup Accepted:
Pickup configurations include settings that can be quicky adjusted by operators, including:
- Pickup closed today: This will temporarily disable online ordering for the current day, and resume based on the standard hours the following day.
Allow customers to order 7+ days in advance: By default, ordering will be allowed up to 7 days in advance. However, with this feature enabled, we can support allowing customer orders up to 365 days in advance.
Min/Max Order Value
Minimum/maximum order value allows brands to set limits on the size of orders at the location level.
- Minimum order value: The minimum subtotal a customer's basket must reach to place an order, most often used for delivery and catering orders.
- Maximum order value: The maximum subtotal a customer's basket can reach and still be able to place their order online.
Notification Message: A custom message that will display on the location card to alert customers of any min/max order value limits.
- Error Message: A custom message that will display if customers do not meet or exceed the minimum/maximum order value set. It will pop up if they try to select the checkout button while their basket value is out of the set range.
Order Options
Order options allow you to create custom order options that guests can choose from when placing an order (such as in-store pickup, curbside pickup, etc.)
When creating a new order option, there are a number of options to help customize the ordering experience for your guests:
- Internal Title: This is strictly for internal use and will not be shown to customers.
- Option Name: This is the title that customers will see when placing an order.
- Instructions: This is a custom message that customers will see after selecting their pickup option, such as where in the store they should go to pick up their order.
Information Text: This enables an open-response text box to gather information from customers, such as their car make and model for curbside pickup.
- Information: This is the prompt that customers will see, such as "Enter your car's make/model."
- Make Information Field Required: This requires that the customer must complete this field before proceeding with their order.
- Information Field Error Message: The error message that will pop up if they do not complete the field.
- I'm Here (Tablet App Only): This enables guests to select a button on the app when they arrive. This will ping the tablet in-store to alert teams that customers have arrived for their curbside order.
- Order Received Email: This will trigger an email after customers place an order, confirming that their order has been received.
Order Received SMS: This will trigger a SMS after customers place an order, confirming that their order has been received.
Please note: It is necessary to enable SMS on your account before using SMS order notifications. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager or our Technical Support Team at to enable this. - Order Complete Email (Tablet App Only): This will trigger an email after a customer's order is marked as Complete on the Incentivio Tablet App.
- Order Complete SMS (Tablet App Only): This will trigger a SMS after a customer's order is marked as Complete on the Incentivio Tablet App.
Pickup Availability
Pickup availability controls the prep time needed and the distance between time slots in online ordering.
- ASAP: Customers can pick up an order as soon as possible. When placing an order, the due time is the time the order is placed + the prep time. For example, an ASAP order placed at 11:47 AM, with a 15-minute prep time, will be ready at 12:02 PM.
- Time Slots: Customers can select a specific time slot later in the day to pick up their order.
- Pickup Order Prep Time: The time needed to prep a standard-size order.
- Time Slot Interval: The time between each time slot. For example, 15 minutes would set 11:00, 11:15, 11:30, etc.
Pickup Order Notice Period: Primarily used for catering orders that require advanced notice. Amount of advance notice that a location requires for an order.
The first available time slot a customer sees would be the order notice period + prep time, within available business hours.
Payment Settings
Payment settings allow brands to control whether payment is required and whether guest checkout can be used at the location level.
To enable or disable Delivery at a given location, toggle it on and off under the location information card at the top of the screen, next to Delivery Accepted:
Delivery configurations include settings that can be quicky adjusted by operators, including:
- Delivery closed today: This will temporarily disable online ordering for the current day, and resume based on the standard hours the following day.
Allow customers to order 7+ days in advance: By default, ordering will be allowed up to 7 days in advance. However, with this feature enabled, we can support allowing customer orders up to 365 days in advance.
Please note: When using third-party delivery providers (such as Uber and Doordash), order can only be scheduled up to 30 days in advance. This setting should not exceed 30 days for clients using third-party delivery.
Min/Max Order Value
Minimum/maximum order value allows brands to limit the size of orders at the location level.
- Minimum order value: The minimum subtotal a customer's basket must reach to place an order, most often used for delivery and catering orders.
- Maximum order value: The maximum subtotal a customer's basket can reach and still be able to place their order online.
Notification Message: A custom message that will display on the location card to alert customers of any min/max order value limits.
- Error Message: A custom message that will display if customers do not meet or exceed the minimum/maximum order value set. It will pop up if they try to select the checkout button while their basket value is out of the set range.
Order Options
Order options allow you to create custom order options that guests can choose from when placing an order (such as delivery, etc.)
When creating a new order option, there are several options to help customize the ordering experience for your guests:
- Internal Title: This is strictly for internal use and will not be shown to customers.
- Option Name: This is the title that customers will see when placing an order.
- Instructions: This is a custom message that customers will see after selecting their delivery option, such as that a third-party provider will deliver it.
Information Text: This enables an open-response text box to gather customer information, such as to confirm that they are ordering from the correct location.
- Information: This is the prompt that customers will see, such as "Please confirm that you are ordering from the Boston location."
- Make Information Field Required: The customer must complete this field before proceeding with their order.
- Information Field Error Message: The error message that will pop up if they do not complete the field.
- Order Received Email: This will trigger an email after customers place an order, confirming their order has been received.
Order Received SMS: This will trigger an SMS after customers place an order, confirming their order has been received.
Please note: It is necessary to enable SMS on your account before using SMS order notifications. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager or our Technical Support Team at to enable this. - Order Complete Email (Tablet App Only): This will trigger an email after a customer's order is marked as Complete on the Incentivio Tablet App.
- Order Complete SMS (Tablet App Only): This will trigger an SMS after a customer's order is marked as Complete on the Incentivio Tablet App.
Delivery Availability
Delivery availability controls the prep time needed and the distance between time slots in online ordering.
ASAP: Customers can have an order delivered as soon as possible. When placing an order, the due time is the time the order is placed + the prep time.
If using in-house delivery drivers: this should also include the estimated time that it will take to deliver the order.
When using third-party delivery services: the delivery time should not be included, as we will receive that from the delivery provider and add it to the ASAP time automatically. - Time Slots: Customers can select a specific time slot later in the day for their order to be delivered.
- Delivery Order Prep Time: The time needed to prep a standard-size order.
- Time Slot Interval: The time between each time slot. For example, 15 minutes would set 11:00, 11:15, 11:30, etc.
Delivery Order Notice Period: Primarily used for catering orders that require advanced notice. Amount of advance notice that a location requires for an order.
The first available time slot a customer sees would be the order notice period + prep time, within available business hours.
Third-Party Delivery Service
This section controls the use of third-party delivery providers, including Uber Direct, DoorDash Drive, and Shipday.
Please note: Delivery charges should be set up under Payment Settings > Charges rather than in the "Charge Service Fee" field below.
Payment Settings
Payment settings allow brands to control whether payment is required and whether guest checkout can be used at the location level.
Kitchen Capacity
Coming soon
Payment Settings
For most of our POS partners, it is not necessary to set Taxes in Incentivio, as they are calculated as part of the price calculation response from the POS. However, for some (like Silverware), it is necessary to map taxes in Incentivio.
Refer to our POS onboarding articles for guidance on specific configurations: Point of Sale Integrations
Unlike Taxes, Charges must be set in Incentivio for most of our integration partners and mapped to a service fee in the POS to ensure seamless application on orders and reporting in the POS.
Currency codes must be set to reflect the appropriate currency (USD for United States, CAD for Canada) based on the customer's location.
We can disable tipping at the location level by simply toggling off the Allow Tipping at this Location feature.
Please note: This will disable tipping for both pickup and delivery. We cannot disable tipping for just one dining option at this point. If using third-party delivery services, tipping should not be disabled, as this will likely result in longer wait times for drivers or an inability to secure drivers.
Payment Gateway
Configuring the payment gateway is necessary for all clients to ensure seamless acceptance of online payments.
For assistance configuring payments, refer to the following guides:
- Creating a Spreedly Environment Key
- Creating a Gateway Token
- Incentivio Payments - Creating a Gateway Token
Ordering Configuration
Order configurations are necessary to onboard a new location and are specific to each POS integration.
Refer to our POS onboarding articles for guidance on specific configurations: Point of Sale Integrations
Menu Selection
Menu selection enables clients to pull in exactly the menus they want to display online, without having to hide menus they don't.*
*Depending on the POS
Menu Sync History
Menu sync history provides an overview of the most recent menu imports that have happened for this location. By default, this field will display the last 5 imports, but a more extensive history can be viewed by navigating to Menu Management > Menu Sync and selecting History on the desired location.
Menu Visibility
Menu visibility replaces the Hide Menus section from the Incentivio Admin portal, allowing clients to hide specific menus or groups that should not be displayed for pickup and/or delivery ordering.
POS Properties & Menu Properties
POS and Menu Properties replace Menu Extended Attributes from the Admin portal. The most commonly used attributes are now easily configurable with a simple toggle, while Menu Properties allows users to add custom rules that are not included.