This guide will walk through using the Dashboard in the Incentivio Portal. This page displays a lot of the metrics that the Incentivio platform tracks and displays the data visually based on the filters you use. It will continue to be improved as time goes on, so you may see some new charts from time to time as you use this page moving forward. This article contains the following sections:
Here the user will have the ability to set the parameters of their search. An admin user may choose between the options of Merchants, Locations, Start Date, and End Date, to cast as wide or as narrow a net as they would like on the store metrics. Once you select the filters for the stores and/or date range that you want to view data for, hit the "Apply to all charts" button in blue and the metrics will automatically populate below. Please note, transaction data is finalized/imported into our system overnight, so search queries cannot be run for same day information.
At A Glance
Regardless of what selections were made in 'Filters', this section will populate with the metrics for a predetermined set of values, Total Account's Created, Account's Created in the Last Month, and Last Month's Sales Per Location.
- Total Accounts Created allows for a snapshot of the total amount of loyalty accounts associated with the location. Underneath this number, a further breakdown is available in the downloadable CSV 'Download Customer List'. This CSV will provide all Customer ID's as well as customer data. This data, similar to the filters, is bulk updated overnight so it will not display day of customer data.
- Account's Created in the Last Month and Last Month's Sales Per Location both allow for a quick view of these metrics versus the prior month company wide.
Once you have applied your filters and hit 'Apply to all Charts' this section will generate charts with the given parameters focused on Sales by Location, New Signups, Sales by Order Source, and Sales by POS Category.
Each chart can be edited further by selecting or deselecting specific stores at the top of the chart and by editing the search parameters for the individual chart in the 'Edit' button in the top right. Clicking the 'More Details' option at the bottom of the chart opens a tab which compares the Sales, Orders, and Average Check of each store.
Offer Performance
This section allows for a comprehensive breakdown of all active discounts running during the selected time period. Similar to the Charts, edits can be made to this section using the 'Edit' button in the top right. Each discount will display its specific timeframes, as well as the offers data including its distribution and redemption numbers, as well as the average discount and total sales. Redemption Rate, Total Sales, and Average Check all have colored circles next to them varying from green to red. The closer to green, the better the discount is doing versus its peers The closer to red, the worse the offer is preforming versus the others. Toggling the up and down arrows next to each column will redisplay the offers with that sections data prioritized highest to lowest or lowest to highest.