This article will walk through the Incentivio Analytics Dashboard within the online admin portal. The analytics dashboard is a great tool for taking a 'birds eye' view of all of your most important metrics, including offer performance, loyalty sign ups, and spending.
The Filters tab allows you to set varying parameters for your search. You can generate an overview which includes all or select store locations and the start and end date. This functionality allows you to break down metrics by day, month, year, and even the lifetime of your business operating with the Incentivio platform.
Once your parameters are set for your search, hit the 'Apply to All Charts' button for the dashboard to populate your results.
At A Glance
The 'At a Glance' section provides a level view of three key metrics Total Accounts Created, Accounts Created Last Month, and Last Month's Sales Per Location. The Total Accounts Created box will provide you with the number of loyalty accounts created for the app and web ordering. Within this box, you can also download the customer list in order to view your customers sign up information including sign up date, email, date of birth, and spending breakdowns. The Last Month's Sales Per Location and Accounts Created Last Month boxes will both show you the current months data compared against the month prior. Please note, the filters do not affect the At A Glance data.
The Charts section of the Dashboard provides you with four charts tracking sales by location, New Signups, Sales by Category, and Sales by Order Source. Please note, this sections information is determined by Filters and will not display anything if nothing from the Filters sections has been applied.
All four charts are interactive and can be edited further through the tools below each chart name and the 'more detail' tab below each chart, shows a color coded numerical breakdown of the data in the chart.
- New Signups - This tab will provide you with a break down of your new signups for the selected period. The chart displays signups on a calendar allowing you to view which days generated the most signups.
Sales by POS Category- This tab allows you an in-depth look into which POS systems are driving the most orders during the selected period, such as Pickup versus Delivery.
- Incentivio Pickup: Customer places order through Incentivio web/app for pickup.
- Incentivio Takeout: Customer places an order in-store for to go and has connected their loyalty account.
- Incentivio Dine In: Customer is dining in and has connected their loyalty account.
- Incentivio Delivery: Customer places an order through Incentivio web/app for delivery.
- Incentivio Other: We didn't capture the customers behavior but know they connected a loyalty account.
- Other Dine In: All other dine in orders not linked to loyalty.
- Other Takeout: All other takeout orders not linked to loyalty.
- Other Delivery: All other delivery orders not linked to loyalty.
- Other Other: The source is some other ordering domain - Toast does not give us this information.
- Sales by Order Source- This section provides a breakdown of how each source (in-store, web, app) preform against one another.
- Sales by Location- Provides location by location views of how each is preforming within the Incentivio system.
Offer Performance
The Offer Performance section provides a breakdown on the performance of all of your offers within your specified timeframe. Please note, similar to the Charts section, Offer Performance needs a date range applied within the Filters in order to populate.
The offers are displayed by their internal offer name and will display their run time, total distribution for the period, total redemption for the period, total and average discount, total sales, and average check. The redemption rate, total sales, and average check columns, are all color coded to quickly show their success rate from green (90% plus) to red (10% and below). To automatically order any one of the columns by best to worst performance, you can also click the up or down arrows next to each column name. This section can be edited further using the 'edit' tool in the top righthand corner to change the date range, however filtering by location is not supported in the offer performance section.