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Creating a Segment

Segments are saved sets of targeting rules that can easily be applied to marketing communications (Messages, Offers, and Loyalty Offers) in the Admin Portal. They are typically created when the restaurant expects to target the same segment more than once (e.g. loyal customers, lost customers, low-spending customers).

Creating a Segment

  1. Navigate to the CRM tab > Segments, and then click + New Segment.


  2. Select a Merchant, Title, and Description for the Segment. In the example below, we are creating a Segment for targeting loyal customers.
  3. In the Targeting Rule section, select which rules the customer will need to meet in order to receive any communication that targets this Segment.
    For descriptions of each Targeting Rule, please refer to this article: Targeting Rules
  4. Select whether they need to meet all of these rules or just one of them in the Logical Operator Select And if they must meet all of the rules, and Or if they only need to meet one of the rules.
    1. In the example below, customers will need to average at least 5 purchases per month, have made over 20 total purchases, and have spent at least $1,000 total in order to receive communications that target this Segment.
  5. Click Save.


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