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Dashboard - Menu Sync

Syncing menus is a vital part of Incentivio’s integration with our external Point of Sale (POS) partners. It ensures that any changes made to the menu in the POS system are accurately reflected in Incentivio, helping prevent errors caused by mismatched information between the two systems.

While many of our POS partners support automatic menu syncing—automatically updating menus in Incentivio when changes are detected—there may be times when a manual menu sync is required. This guide will walk you through the steps to manually sync your menus.


Running a Manual Menu Sync

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  1. In the Incentivio Dashboard, navigate to the Menu Management tab and select Menu Sync.
  2. From this page, operators can select to sync all menus or just for a single location.
    1. To sync all menus, select the Sync All button on the top right.
      Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 11.44.04 AM.png
    2. To sync the menu for a single location, select the three vertical dots to the right of the location name and select Sync Now from the drop-down menu.
      Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 1.02.29 PM.png
    3. Additionally, you can view the History tab to view a list of recent menu syncs, including the Import ID, which can help our team identify any issues with failed imports.
      Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 3.16.18 PM.png
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