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Store Hours



  1. Under “Setup”, select “Store Ordering Setup”. Select the store that you’d like to edit by clicking the pencil icon to the far right of the screen.
  2. In the “Pickup” section, scroll down until you see a field labelled “Days Pickup Unavailable”. Select the days that you are closed.
  3. If you offer delivery, go to the “Delivery” section and find the field labelled “Days Delivery Unavailable”. Select the days you are closed.
  4. Make sure to save your changes.
  5. If you have special hours for holidays, please visit our Setting Up Temporary Hours guide for more information. In the Pickup & Delivery sections, there is a field that reads: "Temporary Hours" that has a button that says "Add Temporary Hours". You can copy these to the Delivery section (and vice versa) by simply expanding the saved temporary hours and selecting the "Copy to Delivery" button. 





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