Articles in this section

Creating an Offer - When Section

- This article is drawn from the larger piece Creating an Offer. To view that document please click here. 
Remember All offers have three components: 

What ( What is being created)

When ( When & How is this being distributed ) <- This article

Who ( To Whom is this offer being sent to )


  1. Select a Distribution Mode. This determines how this offer will be sent out.
    • Auto - Your offer will be automatically sent to anyone who meets the criteria in the Who section
    • Activity - Some type of activity needs to be performed before the offer will be distributed. ( Signup, Transaction Complete, Gift Card Purchase,.... etc )
      You will notice when you select “Activity”, a new drop down box will appear beneath it called “Activity Names” where you will select which Activity you plan on triggering the distribution of this Message. Click in the empty Activity box to choose from the available options.  Also the “Push” option in Channels will also disappear. This is because a push notification would never be used if the user is already in the app!*
  2. The Channel section gives you 4 ways to distribute this offer, you can choose any one of these, all or any combination:
    • Account - select if you want this to only be distributed to the inbox of the app 
    • Push - select if you want this to be sent as a push notification on the users phone
    • Email - select if you want this to be sent via an email
    • SMS - select if you want this to be sent via SMS text message *may incur an additional cost
      *We suggest using no more than 2 or 3 push/SMS notifications a month*
  3. Redistribution Mode allows you to control whether this offer can be repeated to the same individual account.
    • Single Lifetime - Distributed one time to each eligible user in the Who section ( Ex. Signup Offer ) 
    • Single Active - Distributed any time an account is eligible and don’t already have the Offer. Only 1 active offer available at a time. Once used it redistributes if they re-qualify
      (Ex. Employee Discount)
    • Multiple - Distributed any time they meet the targeting criteria even if they already have the offer in their inbox. (Rarely used)
    • Distribution Blackout - Mainly used in combination with Single Active Distribution mode. This controls the minimum amount of time that must elapse before a guest can receive the same offer again. Ex. Offer is only available to be sent once a day. Enter 24 in the hours distribution blackout box
  4. Select a Start and End Date for the Offer to be distributed. Offer can be distributed in previous day, week or month but redeemed in following day, week on month. <- Determined by Redemption dates in Who section


  5. Advanced Options - We have several advanced options to further limit distribution
    • Distribution Count - How many times overall can this offer be sent. Fixed amount is used ot limit the max number of offers that can be sent. Ex. Send this offer to the first 1000 eligible guests.
    • Time Zone - The time zone used for offer distribution when setting time slots
    • Day of Week - The Day or Days of week this offer should be distributed. If you wanted to only send the message on Monday you would uncheck the other days. Default is all Days
    • Time Slots - The time slots the message will be distributed. If you only want the message sent in the morning remove any afternoon time slots by clicking the on the one you don't want. To Add additional time slots click anywhere inside the Time slots box to get a list of other time slots.
      **Day of Week & Time Slots only available for offers with Auto Distribution Mode selected**










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