- This article is drawn from the larger piece Creating an Offer. To view that document please click here.
Remember all offers have three components:
What ( What is being created)
When ( When & How is this being distributed )
Who ( To Whom is this offer being sent to ) <- This article
The final section of setting up an offer is the Who Section where you can determine who will receive the offer as well as who will be able to redeem the offer. You target offers
- The first thing to do is to either enable or disable reach. Reach is how you can limit sending this offer to a specific location or set of locations. This will ONLY send to guests who have placed an order at the selected location(s). It will NOT send to anyone who has not yet made any purchases. We usually recommend unchecking “Enable Reach” unless you are planning on sending this a specific set of locations. If you do need to “Enable Reach”, check off the box and then click on the “Reach” drop down menu. Check off the location(s) that you want to target.
- This next section is how you "Target" a specific group of customers. Select either “Custom Rule” or “Persona” – we usually recommend “Custom Rule”. Personas are specific customer groups that you will have set up beforehand; check out this article for more information. “Logical Operator” determines which Rules the customers need to meet to get the offer. If a customer needs to meet all of the Rules you create, use “And”. If the customer only needs to meet one of the Rules, select “Or”. Use the “Rule” drop down to select who will be targeted with the offer. We have a multitude of built in Target groups you can choose from.
Common examples include: - Loyalty Points – This allows you to target customers based on how many points they have. This is commonly used to send Offers such as “100 Points for a Free Sandwich”. Use the drop down menu that appears after selecting “Loyalty Points” to select the threshold for loyalty points required (greater than, less than, equal to, etc.) and the amount of points.
- Everyone – for Offers you want to send to all of your customers.
- Days Since Last Purchase – This allows you to target customers based on how long it’s been since they’ve ordered. Reach out to your CSM to set this Offer up.
- Average Basket Value – This allows you to target customers based on how much they spend. Reach out to your CSM to set this Offer up.
- After setting your targeting rules, make sure to click the blue “Add” button to the far right.
- Redemption Rules define who can actually use the offer once they’ve received it. Under “Redemption Rules”, choose your Logical Operator and Rules as you did above. The Rule here can be different from Targeting Rule – say you want to incentivize all of your customers to reach 100 points with a reward, but you only want those who hit 100 points to be able to redeem it. Your Targeting Rule would be “Everyone”, but your Redemption Rule would be “Loyalty Points >=100.”
- Finally, select the range of dates that the offer can be redeemed. The End Date cannot be later than the End Date for distribution.
- Save your new Offer.