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 1. Under the CRM Tab, select “Customers”. From this page, you can search for customers by First and Last name, Phone Number, and Email.

  1. When you’ve found the customer you’re looking for, click on the eye symbol on the far right of the screen. 


  1. You should now be on the “View Customer” page. Here, you can find the customer’s contact information as well data on their purchase habits and loyalty information. 

4. Send Offer/Loyalty Offer

Please click here for instructions on how to send loyalty offers to your customers. 


5. Transactions - View the customer's transaction history. The overview will show you when they made the purchase, how much it was for, and where they made it. If you want to view more details of this order, click on the eye icon to the far right of the screen. 


6. Inbox - Messages - View the Messages that the customer currently has in their inbox. Note - messages do not automatically disappear from a customer's inbox after they are viewed. A customer will need to actively delete a message. 


7. Inbox - Offers - View the active Offers that the customer currently has in their inbox. 


8. Loyalty Transactions - View all of the points that a customer has accrued. Each transaction where the customer earned or spent points is listed, along with the amount of points and the description of how the points were earned/spent. 


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