The Loyalty Point Expiration Banners feature helps guests stay informed about their expiring loyalty points. With customizable notifications on your app’s home screen and a detailed points history update, guests can easily track and redeem their points before they expire.
⚠️ Important: This feature requires an app update to enable the Points History and Home Screen Notification.
Feature Overview
Points History Update:
- Guests can view a ledger/history of loyalty points due to expire directly in the app.
- Guests can view a ledger/history of loyalty points due to expire directly in the app.
Home Screen Notification (Optional):
- An optional banner can appear on the app home screen to remind guests of points nearing expiration. You can set how many days in advance the banner appears.
- An optional banner can appear on the app home screen to remind guests of points nearing expiration. You can set how many days in advance the banner appears.
How to Enable Loyalty Point Expiration Banners
⚠️ This feature requires an app update and must be enabled by Incentivio's team. If you would like to enable this feature, please contact your Customer Success Manager or our Technical Support team at
- In the client's WebAppConfig, navigate to the Loyalty section.
- Update the following based on the desired configuration:
"displayLoyaltyPointsExpiration": {
"enabled": true,
"noOfDays": 30,
"displayModal": true
Setting Descriptions:
- "enabled" → true or false
- True: Activates the expiration notification feature.
- False: Disables the feature.
- "noOfDays" → Number
- Customize how many days before expiration the banner will display.
- By default, this will be set to 30 days.
- "displayModal" → true or false
- True: Displays the expiry banner on the home screen.
- False: Hides the banner.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need an app update to enable this feature?
- Yes, the feature requires an app update to support the Points History update and Home Screen Notification.
Can I disable the home screen banner but keep the points history update?
- Yes. Set "displayModal": false to hide the banner but keep the updated points history visible.
Can I change the default 30-day notification window?
- Yes. We can adjust the number of days to any number you’d like guests to be notified before points expire.
Can the message on the banner be customized?
- At this time, the message cannot be customized. The standard message is "You have X loyalty points expiring on (date)."