These are the loyalty options available on the Incentivio platform. If the type of program you want isn’t detailed here, please ask your Incentivio representative if we can support your specific requirements.
Types of loyalty program
Incentivio supports three types of loyalty program. Please note that you will need to select one of these types.
Subtotal based loyalty
Reward your customers based on the amount they spend at your restaurant(s). This will be based on the pre-tax, pre-tip total.
Visit based loyalty
Award punches for each visit. You can also specify accelerators based on day of the week - for example double punches on Tuesday.
Group or Item based loyalty
Award punches for specific items or groups of items. For example 10 points per entree and 2 points per beverage or side. You can also specify accelerators based on day of the week - for example 20 points per entree on Tuesday.
Can I set my own reward ratio?
You can set any rewards ratio per unit of currency spent as long as it’s whole numbers (e.g. 1 point per $5 spent). Rewards are awarded on the post-discount, pre-tax total though this can vary based on your Point of Sale system.
How quickly are points awarded?
Loyalty points are awarded overnight as this ensures that any orders cancellations etc. are handled appropriately.
What about alcohol purchases?
If you would like to award points on alcohol purchases*, we can absolutely do that! However, if you would like to exclude alcoholic items from earning loyalty, we do have the capability to exclude items from subtotal based loyalty. Work with your Customer Success Manager or Implementation Manager to identify which groups and items should be excluded.
Please note: Some states do not allow awarding loyalty points or discounting on alcohol. Please ensure that your loyalty program is in line with any state or local requirements.
Can I have my own punch logo?
Absolutely! Your loyalty program will look custom and on brand by using a custom logo for a loyalty punch or point.
Can I do Loyalty Tiers?
While all guests earn rewards at the same rate, Incentivio allows you to tier redemption to allow larger chunks of points to be used for increasingly better discounts. For example, redeem 1,000 points for a $10 discount and redeem 2,000 points for a $22.50 discount.
Are loyalty points granted for discounted orders?
There are limitations to earning points on discounted transactions:
- Subtotal loyalty (points per dollar spent) will always award loyalty, even if the order has discounts. The number of points awarded will be based on the post-discount subtotal.
- Transaction Complete (activity type) offers will still be successfully awarded, even if an order has discounts applied (except in the instance outlined below).
- Discounted items are not valid qualifying items and, therefore, not eligible for earning points. Transaction Complete (activity type) offers and Punch-based loyalty (meeting specific targeting criteria) will not award points on discounted items.
Can I do Surprise & Delight Rewards?
Yes, you have the ability to set up special rewards based on current loyalty balance, days since last purchase and other customer account information. For example, customers that earn 10,000 points will receive a message “Congratulations on reaching 10k points. You can also award points for a transaction on a day of the week or buying a specific item.
Can I target loyalty rewards to specific segments?
Yes, we have up to date analytics that will allow you to create your own, dynamic segments and target loyalty offers and other communications to these segments.
Can I manually place rewards or add points to a customer’s account?
Yes, absolutely! Please refer to these articles for guidance on completing this:
Sending Activity Based Offers to Individual Customers
Incentivio Dashboard - Customers
If I create an activity-based loyalty offer, how will my customers get points?
They will receive points automatically overnight after they complete the selected activity in your loyalty offer. For example, if you have your loyalty offer activity as "transaction complete" and you've set qualifying items in the "edit rewards" section, extra points are automatically earned based on purchasing a qualifying product.