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Tablet App - Search Items

The Search Items page allows you to manage your inventory directly from the Incenter Orders App. 

On this page, you can search for and mark items as inactive/active or out/in stock

Search Items

You can type in an item name and select "search" to find a specific item


You can also select a number of filters to find items based on their status and/or inventory settings. 
1. Select "Filters"


2. Select the setting you would like to filer on

3. Items matching that filter will be shown
you can search by more than one filter at a time 

Adjusting Inventory and Status

The Inventory and Status setting is indicated by the columns on the left as highlighted below 
To update an item's status, simply select the alternative status or stock setting. 

For example, if I wanted to mark the BBQ Chicken out of stock, I would select out of stock and "OUT OF STOCK" will appear on the left: 

Once you update the status of an item or items, be sure to click the green publish button, in order to push the changes to your app/web ordering.

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