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The Incentivio Orders Tablet App

What is the is the Incentivio Orders Tablet App?

The Incentivio tablet order system allows restaurants to use Incentivio’s sophisticated order flow in a simple, easy-to-use app

New Orders
The tablet beeps to indicate unacknowledged orders. Orders can be viewed in a simple screen. Orders are shown with the requested time, and orders due soonest are displayed first.

Customers can be searched by phone number or ID, and offers or loyalty points available in the customer’s wallet can be redeemed.


Downloading the Incentivio Orders Tablet App

The app can be downloaded on any android tablet from the Google Play Store. 
Click Here to Download


To log in enter the below details:
   - Client name: your restaurants name as it is shown in the URL of your admin portal

   - Email/Password: Incentivio Admin Portal login information


If you receive an error message, please contact our Support Team to provide assistance. This typically means that the specific stores you are trying to access have not been assigned to your account. 

Tablet App Overview

A brief introduction to the tablet app's features is included below. Please note, some features may have additional documentation linked here as well. 

When you first log in, you will be brought to the Orders page. To navigate to different sections of the app, select the hamburger menu on the top left of the screen:


The Orders pages provides a glance at all New, Prepping, and closed orders. 
Please note, if you have a direct POS integration, orders will automatically appear under "Prepping" 

Each Order will display a Customer Name, Order Information, Total Price, and Pickup/Delivery Time.

You will also see a button to message your users, for more information about messaging users from the Tablet app, please see our Manage Order Messages and Sending Order Messages documentation guides. 

Lastly, you will have a button to mark the order as ready, which will move it to the closed tab.

Once on the closed tab, you can re-open the order if needed


The Daily Sales report allows you to filter and view past orders at your location. 
First, select what status and date range you would like to see:


Status Categories:

- All Orders: All open, failed, and successful orders
- Closed Orders: All successful orders
- Abandoned orders: All orders which were started, but never submitted
- Cancelled orders: All cancelled orders
- Orders with Errors: Orders which failed.
- Test Orders: Orders that were simulated, meaning they were test orders

Once you choose your filter, you will see the Total number of orders on the top left and the total sales on the top right. Additionally, you will see a list of all orders including the User's First Name, Last Name, Phone, Date, and Amount. 

If you need an exported version of this report for successful orders, please email and include your location and the date range you need to report on. 


The Search Items page allows you to manage your inventory directly from the app! Please see our Search Items documentation for details.


IMPORTANT NOTE: For all tablet offers redeemable in store, the In-Store option must be enabled on the offer Purchase Type for it to be redeemable on the tablet. Otherwise, the Redeem button will be greyed out:


The Loyalty page allows you to search for a user by entering a user's phone number:


Click on the user to see their details. You will see any available offers in their inbox on the left and their account history under loyalty history on the the right. 



The Settings page contains any configuration settings for the App and its features. 


There is also device information at the bottom of the settings page.
If you are experiencing any issues with your tablet app, please email and include the Device Id and App Version you see here.

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